
Bank of Cyprus

How do you promote a youth pack bank account to parents but still make it relevant to Gen Zers, who are ultimately going to be using it?

Target audience – Students, boys starting their army service and parents who are the ones most likely to take the action and open the account by visiting the bank. The idea was to tap into the feeling most Gen Zers relate to – independence. A youth pack account allows them not only to have access to their money, but also gives them a sense of freedom, away from the pocket-money mentality they’ve been used to.

In order to convey all the benefits of this youth pack account, we created two videos in the style, ‘language’ and fast pace that could capture the attention of our Gen Z audience.  The type of video they are accustomed to and fits their very digital lifestyle. The first video focused on the student life while the second one featured a boy serving in the army.

The videos were promoted through YouTube ads and Facebook posts and were diverting people to a dedicated landing page where all relevant information lived, providing some guidance and advice about the account. Instagram was also utilised with the use of stories with quirky messages that spoke to Gen Zers in their own language and style, in order to grab their attention and connect with them in a way that is relatable.

Lastly, since we also had to communicate our messages to parents, who ultimately were going to be ones that would open the account, animated web banners were used in both local and Google sites in order to divert them to the website.

Through the campaign we managed to create a more approachable image for the bank and be more relevant to the Gen Z audience – an audience that is growing up and will become one of the bank’s main audience of interest.

Check out the landing page here: https://www.bankofcyprus.com.cy/18-25