When we are together, let us truly be together. In our moments!

Alfa Beer


The challenge was to adapt an international concept for Alfa beer to the Cyprus market. We needed to preserve the core idea from the original television campaign while tailoring it to local preferences and cultural nuances. Our adaptation focused on three main elements:

1.    Music: Music is a signature element for Alfa beer. It remains a crucial part of the campaign, and we needed to select a piece that is both distinctive and familiar. It should be something with lyrics that evoke a sense of nostalgia and positivity, perhaps a bit more cheerful than the original.

2.    Brand Values: Beer serves as a bridge between people and moments. It subtly acts as an occasion that brings people closer to what truly matters. Through the video, our narrative should emphasize the need for human connection.

3.    Social Insights: This year's campaign highlights a social issue: the intrusion of technology into our moments. We aimed to underscore the importance of experiencing every moment fully, without distractions.


The core idea is to "Appreciate the Moment." The campaign reminds us of our bonds and encourages us to spend quality time with those who bring true value to our lives. It’s about nurturing meaningful connections. The key message is to focus on moments that cannot wait, with the slogan "When we are together, let us truly be together." The strategic approach centers on the core message: "In our moments!”.


The campaign included videos distributed on YouTube, social media, and web banners. The outcome has been highly successful having effectively conveyed the campaign's message: "When we are together, let us truly be together. In our moments!”