

The challenge for this year was to follow suite the success of the 2021 campaign, during which the world discovered a renewed and approachable brand whose communication focused on the individual.

With our agents taking center-stage, our approach was human centric which reinforced the value of our people and enhanced their role in the mind of our clients. This year our goal was to build on that momentum while maintaining our status as the best choice when it comes to life insurance.

The challenge was making a one-degree shift in our communication approach, while keeping our narrative intact. Based on the Eurolife promise and the agents that are all about understanding what is best for you, our aim was to enhance our brands strength while maintaining a balance between corporate image, values and creative application of the Eurolife promise as a continuation of the previous campaign.


The main idea was staying centered through life’s changes.

Life is a series of changes. In a world of changes Eurolife keeps its promise and stability, and you, their client, remains in the center. Just like the center or eye of a storm which is calm whilst everything else is moving.

The focal point is a Eurolife client in a studio backdrop, as the stages of his life evolve in the background; meeting his future partner, with his newborn baby, with his child grown, during the birthday of his child. All of life changes are presented in a “behind the scenes” style with stage workers bringing in props. As stated by William Shakespeare: “The entire world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players;”. Aligned with our key visuals, we were inspired from the stages of life to choose icons that represent each stage.
Portraying that Eurolife is always next to its’ people during all stages of life.


In a creative and memorable way, our new concept showed how Eurolife supports its’ clients at every stage of their life.

In order to convey our campaign’s new message, a 360˚campaign was developed utilizing the power of various platforms.

We created ads for outdoor, radio, social media content and web banners, press ads and tv. This campaign successfully established a fresher image for Eurolife which led to extensive exposure.