Bank of Cyprus


The challenge for this Car Loan Campaign was how to communicate to our audience during this transitional period, after what we went through due to the pandemic. The first deep dive involved understanding their state of mind, behaviour andemotional needs in order to communicate effectively as enablers and help them fulfil their desires. We wanted to remind our audience to “un-pause their dreams, to make them happen” to regain control of their lives as we all move forward.


Life has a habit of taking us along myriad paths, diverting us off our destination; even pre-covid. It’s time to switch off autopilot. Our cars are a metaphor for our lives; they are the ‘vehicle’ that make up the ‘journeys’ towards our ‘destinations’. Therefore, now is the time to take the driver's seat in your life! No one wants to be led in life, we all need to be able to make our own choices and take control of our life. Using the campaign slogan "βάλε μπρος" we wanted to give the push to our audience to make the right decision and enjoy the "journey". Because whatever stage of life you are in, there is a car just for you!


To convey our campaign’s new message and to attract our multiple target audiences, a 360˚campaign was developed utilizing the power of various platforms. Οur goal was to create a variety of content (key visuals) for different touchpoints. We created a TV ad that aired on new programs, shows, news and movies with high viewership and a radio ad targeting stations with high listenership on audiences 25-54. Through our digital placements, we managed to create high levels of engagement and awareness with a younger audience and to direct consumers to the Bank Of Cyprus’s website where they can get more information regarding the types of loans available for a better-informed decision based on their individual needs. We had 38,123 thruplays on IG stories, 36,598 thruplays on FB video, 37,62% viewability rate on local sites and 5,365 clicks on programmatic banners. Overall our campaign has managed to meet and even exceed its KPIs.