OPAP Cyprus


People understandably are excited for the holidays and the opportunity to spend quality time with their loved ones. OPAP Cyprus, as an integral part of Cypriot society, gives its "present" at Christmas with its own messages of sensitivity and love.


After the successful TV ad prepared last year with children singing a Christmas carol, this year we built on this success utilizing the same ingredients: children, music, nature and tradition. OPAP Cyprus, as a supporter of society and culture, created a TV ad in cooperation with the Youth Cyprus Symphony Orchestra, presenting children playing the Cypriot Christmas Carols in a beautiful forest. Nature always conveys a feeling of tranquility, beauty and a sense of security. The message: «All nature rejoices... along with our hearts». Nature in harmony with music and man give a clear message for the protection of the environment and our sensitive forest areas. Without having to call it out,simply by speaking through feelings and images.


We chose to approach the idea through different media channels such us television, social media, print and web banners. We created a spot in the beautiful Cyprus forest, emotional captures from the children from the symphony orchestra playing their musical instruments.

The video was also applied on online platforms, with very positive comments from users. This spot managed to conveythe message that the true meaning of Christmas wouldn’t be missed.