
CYTA introduced their new CYTA Rewards Loyalty App which for us signalled one of our biggest and most challenging campaigns of the year. 

The app is a new communication channel for CYTA’s customers and features the new Rewards Scheme. Via the app, customers can be informed for all the available deals and redeem their gifts.

Our campaign’s success would be based on the following key ingredients: 

The story had to be a little surreal, but definitely feature a main protagonist: the consumer with many faces.

The overall feeling needed to be unexpectedly funny – it had to create the feeling of entitlement to whoever is already a CYTA customer and also create envy to those who have not joined the CYTA family yet.

The name had to feature CYTA in it, so it would emphasise the customers’ choice and the power it can give them.

The currency of the app had to be an element that could highlight the perks each customer can win for making the right choice. This had to be expressed through keywords that would subconsciously emphasise this perception.


The main idea was that CYTA gives you the thrills. We had to decode the meaning of the phrase and dramatize that precise feeling. Our goal was to respond to 3 strategic components:
Feel entitled. You are with CYTA, this is about you. 2. Celebrating your choices with you and 3. This is about choice and about what you are getting out of it.

From these 3 components came the idea of the “Falling Star,” a story about those of us who need a little magic in our lives. The narrative reminds us that we are human, with human desires, dreams and feelings. Seeing a star has never felt more magical.

Why a falling star? 
Falling stars represent new beginnings, and wishes reflect our dreams for the future. We gave a whole new dimension to how you can see the future, right now. 

In the same way communications open the way and gives you the opportunities you wish for, the star is no longer something you look for in the sky, it is something in front of you. Something attainable. The star has now landed on earth, to prove that everything you have thought about, everything you have wished for, is now here and can become a reality.

We wanted the campaign to feature the following characteristics:

1 /Memorable = to create something memorable, that would eventually become a memory so tangible that whenever you watch it, it feels like the first time.

2 /Emotional = a story that could stir the emotions of the viewer and create an emotional connection with CYTA. Because CYTA understands you and offers you this exceptional rewards scheme.

3 /Twist = a dose of exaggeration to dramatize reality and create a “spectacle.”

4 /Anticipation = capture the interest of the viewers, spark their curiosity and fuel their anticipation.

So our fantastic idea was created, bearing the tagline “Live everything you love.”


For the campaign, we created the biggest star and celebrated it with one of the biggest productions we ever did. We were all extremely proud of the result and we successfully achieved our goal: people experiencing the magic of a special moment. Through the CYTA Rewards app, users can now redeem stars and unlock exclusive perks and unique experiences. This was all achieved through a 360 campaign for which all assets will be live until the end of December.