

The objective, although clear, was not easy. We were asked to rejuvenate Absolut, one of the most iconic brands in the world, by re-introducing it to today’s Cypriot consumers and make it the hero of the night. The target audience was defined as “progressive connectors” (ages 18 – 25). This particular group of people, as discovered through extensive research, feel trapped in a system that they don’t like and doesn’t represent them. Although they don’t necessarily want to change it, they do want to feel free to do what they want, in their own way, without anyone judging them. Our aim was to tap into this insight and the Absolut values, with a campaign that increases engagement, consideration and adoption among our audience.


We created a concept that speaks to our target markets’ hearts and minds. Our concept was in search for their truth, their point of view, their personality and their own beliefs. So we decided to shake things up a little and inspire them to DARE. We merged the Absolut values with the artistic expression of 4 Cypriot artists, who created different illustrations to start a local campaign and share our values with the public.


We promoted the campaign through outdoor, radio, digital and PR activities.
Digitally, we created a landing page, to communicate the campaign, share the brand beliefs with our audience and give them a platform to express themselves. We also added a competition where users could enter to win an Absolut T-shirt or an adventure weekend, by answering a series of questions related to personality traits.

This was communicated further through Social Media, YouTube ads, web banners, rich media, messenger ads, native articles and press releases. The results where great with the noticeable examples of the Youtube ad (229,096 views – double the target) and the web banners (3,526,323 impressions – more than double the target). Additionally, we involved influencers who built excitement and anticipation through their Instagram accounts.

To sum up a successful campaign, we co-created an event, bringing one of the most popular DJs in the world currently, Black Coffee DJ for a one night concert. We also promoted the event through posts in social media, the creation of an online competition and by inviting influencers with an exclusive gift!
This event provided an excellent opportunity to share our values further with the public.

Check out the microsite here: 