

How to continue building momentum following our year 1 Dare campaign in order to keep the waves we created in motion. In year 1, our challenge was all about coding the values and beliefs of our target group while in year 2, our aim was to decode ideas, perceptions and feelings.

By utilising the power of data and information retrieved from the Dare V1 campaign, we were able to uncover valuable insights, thoughts and beliefs and design a strategic approach on how to re-connect with our audience while building engagement and interaction.


In year 1 we asked our audience “What if you dare to…”. So in year 2, the idea was to take this to the next step – actually showcasing people that did dare. We recruited three local personalities that dared to be different, to break the norms, to follow their dreams and ultimately to be themselves, in order to inspire our audience to think that if they believe in something, anything is possible. From “What if…” to “Dare to…”

The campaign emphasises on building creative storytelling through custom photo-shoots and video productions relating to the lives of our 3 main ambassadors. In addition, through engaging and high quality social media content such as live sessions, animated stickers, story filters and various other ways, our aim was to remain relevant with our target audience and ultimately to build a community of people who are now a step closer to daring to be themselves.


The campaign is divided in three waves and we are currently implementing Wave 1 & 2. By analyzing the results we retrieved during the first 2 months of the campaign we have seen a big increase in the engagement levels from our target audience, which provides us with a positive indication that the messages do in fact have an impact on them.

The first two videos of the campaign have managed to receive more than 300K combined views & ThruPlays from social media platforms and YouTube.