Bank of Cyprus


To shift the perception of the general public and to communicate that “Fileco” loans are designed for the general public and only for people who have adopted a certain “green” philosophy of life.


Bank of Cyprus has chosen to communicate its plans to the public through AR in order to provide the information in a more entertaining way. The goal was to guide the public to use the filters and find out 'how green' they are and at the same time inform them about the plans. The use of filters  was used because they are something very commonly used by the public.

The slogan of the campaign "Your every action is also a choice" came to embrace our creatives and helped communicate the below categories of loans:

- Business energy loan

- Energy upgrade

- Home upgrade

- Renting an environmental car


Using Augmented Reality Effects on the Meta Spark Studio platform, an Immersive AR experience was created that aimed to inform and educate the audience in an interactive way. The technology was accompanied by a digital campaign, which successfully managed to inform about the loans, raise awareness among the general public and increase interest in green loans during the campaign.

In total the campaign delivered approximately 10,500,000 impressions across all channels.

In particular, on Meta's network, approximately 450,000 unique users were reached, achieving >92% coverage in the primary audience and >90% in the secondary audience.

The total traffic harvest was 17,300 clicks, with high returns in all media. In more detail, the CTR in local publishers was 0.14%, in programmatic 0.29% while in the Meta network 0.67%.