Since the launch of the General Health System (GHS) in Cyprus, there has been an ongoing challenge for the Health Insurance Organization. The “abuse” of the system through irresponsible use by patients who feel they are entitled to any medical check or service they feel will benefit them. Our client, the Health Insurance Organization, tasked us with the challenge of building a campaign that emphasizes the significance of using GHS responsibly. Its core challenge lies in effectively influencing public behavior towards the System.
Convincing individuals to reflect on their actions and adopt a more considerate approach is inherently challenging. People may not recognize the direct impact of their choices on others or may not see the urgency of modifying their behavior. To address this, the campaign needed to tailor its messaging and visuals to resonate with its target audience while leveraging appropriate communication channels to ensure the content is accessible to all.
The campaign is titled “Μπες στη θέση του. Μην παίρνεις τη θέση του.” (“How would you feel if you were in his place?”). It is accompanied by the supporting phrase, “Every time a GHS appointment is booked unnecessarily, it is depriving a medical appointment from someone who really needs it.” Its goal is to appeal to emotions (subconscious) and logic (conscious mind), aiming to raise public awareness and promote responsible use of the General Health System. The objective is to firstly get the audience to empathize with the characters of the campaign, then turn the spotlight on them so that they can reflect on their own actions.
The campaign highlights that “this other person” has a name and could be any one of us. Therefore, the responsibility falls on everyone, both collectively and individually. This idea is encapsulated in the main message/slogan: “Be mindful. Protect GHS.”
The campaign’s key elements - the title, supporting phrase, and slogan - are supported by a creative, people-focused visual concept that underscores the Health System’s human-centered approach. The creative idea appears across various platforms, including social media, print, online radio (e.g., Spotify), traditional radio, and television through three TV ads.
The TV ads emphasize the human element and the importance of fostering relationships with personal doctors and the Health System to ensure equitable access to healthcare for everyone. The three spots were carefully created to address different themes and represent diverse age groups, making the messages relatable to a broad audience.
The campaign launched with a press conference on September 26, 2024.
The campaign has successfully raised awareness among its target audience while showing the human side of the system. It highlights how careful utilization of healthcare resources ensures fair access for everyone, increasingpublic trust in the system and contributing to its long-term sustainability.
Additionally, the campaign has contributed to cultivating a culture where both patients and healthcare providers recognize their shared responsibility for maintaining an effective healthcare system. It encourages behaviors that prevent the overuse or misuse of services - issues that can lead to longer waiting times and inefficiencies, ultimately disadvantaging those who need care the most.