Kykkos Natural Mineral Water


The brand Kykkos is closely connected to life. Until recently we represented the power of life through the Kykkos forest. By supporting the Thermokitida Agapis, the brand attempted to strengthen its connection to life. As part of the campaign, we highlighted the brand's partnership with Thermokitida Agapis while spotlighting the human stories of the premature newborn babies and their support systems.


The key word was empathy. We interviewed women who had experienced premature birth and the intense emotions that accompany such an experience. These mothers spoke to us about all the stages a premature baby goes through until they reach their destination, their mothers safe arms.

In order to depict this journey with respect and artistry, we used the power of allegory. Odysseus' journey to Ithaca was used for campaign purposes to illustrate the premature newborn's journey to the arms of his parents. We paralleled the obstacles faced by Odysseus on his journey with the stages that a premature baby goes through, and the goddess Athena to the nurse who stands by the premature babies. In the campaign, the brand exists not as a protagonist but as an ally in this struggle.

"We give new life" was the slogan of the campaign, which emphasized the brand's commitment to being next to people by supporting Thermokitida Agapis.


Since the brand's goal was to raise awareness and inform about supporting the Thermokitida Agapis, we applied a multifaceted strategy that would help us find our audience at different stages.

Using Awareness campaigns, we made sure users came across the information, and by using Traffic campaigns we sent visitors to the landing page to learn more about the campaign.