

The second wave of the pandemic, forced us once again to implement social distancing, keeping us away from friendsand family. That’s why Cyta being a large organization wanted once more to show its socially responsible side towards fellow citizens in need.


One moment is enough to keep us together. This is the power of communication. That’s why we share it with fellow people that need it more, especially during the holiday season. Cyta helped the below 3 social groups: Health Professionals, Nursing Homes and Children's Homes. Giving free upgrades to existing internet services and offering free new mobile connections for six months at around 80 sites all over Cyprus. At the same time, in collaboration with OKYPY, they provided a substantial boost of communication to the Health Professionals of Cyprus, who, during the holidays, serve their duty either in the wards where patients with Covid 19 are treated or as ambulance crews, far from their families and loved ones.


We chose to approach the idea through different media such us, television, social media, production of Web Banners & Landing page.

On television we have prepared a spot to portray the feelings and show the power of communication to get us all closer.

Additionally, we prepared a landing page merged in the Cyta website, as well as web banners and posts on social media which showcase the role of communication to keep us close through difficult times. Especially in the holiday season when we all want to be close to our family and friends.

The results were very good and we received very positive comments. We managed to send the message we wantedthat ‘Cyta gives us the power to keep in touch, through moments that matter’