Grigoriou Allantika


Grigoriou Kids is a series of meat delicacies specially made for children, naturally fresh, with high nutritional value and low in fat. The series was firstly introduced with Disney characters but when those rights expired, we were left with only one question “How do we make something as exciting and fun for the kids without their beloved Disney characters?”.


When it’s about food we all think of the whole experience of eating. Kids are possibly the most difficult audience to influence. The creation of the package was a result of a partnership between the Partners team and our client in order to have a practical and at the same time attractive design for kids and mums. We created new characters to dress the packages which would not only attract our younger audience but older ones too.  It’s unique in the way of showing the product, through the mouth of our characters. They also have perforated arms in the back of the package, opening them makes our character really pop to life, and allows children to play with them. Since, the characters became real for the kids; we also created 3 different TV movies for the campaign of the new package. The characters were presented doing adventurous tricks in order to catch the cold cuts and eat them.


The new package for the Grigoriou Kids products created two authentic characters. Characters that came to life due to their design and kids now could have a fun experience when they want to eat their favourite food.  The reaction and feedback we received at the point of purchase has shown the powerful bond between the consumers and the brand.

It has been a momentous time for the Partners team and the company Grigoriou B.E. Ltd, as this project was awarded the Bronze award at the international institution Pentawards 2017, in the category FOOD: Baby Foods & Products.