Lanitis | Coca-Cola HBC


Our challenge was to turn a product with a small market share, an old-fashioned image, a low fidelity, and linked with the church to a product that would win the heart of consumers, in the market with strong competition.


Through the consecutive campaigns Draw, Discover, Create and Grow the Forest, Kykkos has been inspiring consumers to discover the beauty, the secrets, the magic and the thousand charms of the forest, making their lives a little bit greener.

Draw Kykkos forest – Our thought behind this campaign was to bring the forest in the city. We managed to bring the forest to the consumer, rather than take the consumer to the forest, building brand love  and engagement by inviting children to do what they love the most, draw and play.

Discover Kykkos forest in your city – We invite adults to ‘discover’ their green world capturing it with a photo of hidden ‘green treasures’ one could find in the middle of an urban city, all over Cyprus. The main message was a motivation in seeking these green treasures and discover the beauty of nature. The Facebook application was an interactive game that allowed the user to learn about Kykkos Forest, by answering the questions placed.

Create the forest of Kykkos in your City – We invite the public to take part in a competition entitled “Create the forest of Kykkos in your City” by asking them to create their own unique photo using an innovative application on the Kykkos Facebook Page. The big winner would get to choose one of the 3 causes that would realise the CSR vision. The objective of the campaign was to go back to the roots of what the brand stands for – a green brand – and engage the audience for a good cause.

Growing Kykkos Forest from the City – With the creation of the campaign “Growing the Forest from our City”, we invite consumers  to plant and take care of their own digital tree through an online application, with the promise that for each one online tree, Kykkos water we will  plant one in its place. 2000 trees were planted online in just two and a half weeks.


Kykkos Water campaigns bring people closer to nature raising awareness for the protection of the forests! We perceived as a high value brand, and we achieve to connect with the next generation, with children. We created a Love Brand. We also encouraged users to interact and actively engage themselves with the brand.