
The effects of the economic crisis, left a huge gap in the field of insurance. Suddenly, thinking about putting something on the side and saving for the future was placed as a secondary thought, due that being a subject that could be dealt at a later stage. EuroLife recognized this gap and wanted to highlight the importance of savings, specifically targeting the new generation.

In order to stimulate interest and convey the desired message to the targeted audience we choose characters and personalities that our audience could relate and connect too. For the overall tone of voice of the ATL campaign, simple, direct and everyday language was used with the aim of empowering them and directing them towards EuroLife LifeStart savings account. Furthermore, in order to connect and engage with the audience, we created a microsite in which we were sharing real life stories, which were taken from the campaign’s characters.

The effectiveness of the campaign was demonstrated by the fact that LifeStart is now considered one of the most successful products in terms of sales and that through this program EuroLife managed to reduce the average age of its clients. In terms of communication, the effectiveness of the campaign was shown by the very high traffic to the microsite and the fact that the video that was uploaded to YouTube, achieved record-breaking 365,000 views.