JCC Payment Systems



In June 2021, the Council of Ministers approved a Decree obliging companies operating in the service and retail sector to accept card payments moving forward. Businesses were required to comply and take the necessary steps to adopt this new means of accepting payments within three months of the date of publication of the Decree and to inform their consumers and customers accordingly. JCCPayment Systems, as the leader in financial and data infrastructure services in Cyprus, had to create a communication campaign about this new decree, inform businesses about their services and also attract new clients. Having in mind that JCC Payment Systems is considered the leader in the industry, there was the risk that a campaign around this new requirement would negatively affect the brand’s image, since many smaller businesses didn’t want to follow the decree enforced by the government. The challenge was to speak to these business owners in a way that addresses their own needs and of course encourage them to embrace this shift towards a digital transaction era.


The pandemic as we know has escalated and sped up certain digital trends, ecommerce and online payments being one of them. Consumers expect easy, frictionless customer experiences and businesses are obliged to respond in order to remain competitive. The campaign idea was to motivate businesses and their owners and help them transition from denial to acceptance. The communication message focused on stressing the reality of the situation, the non-negotiable fact that this is obligatory in a way that would place JCC as the provider who can make this transition smoother, faster and hassle-free. 


In order to convey our campaign’s new message, a 360˚campaign was developed utilizing the power of various platforms. We created ads for outdoor, radio, a variety of social media content and web banners, cinema exposure. This campaign successfully established a stronger and more fresh image for JCC and led to extensive exposure, resulting in tangible results which translated into client acquisition.