OPAP Cyprus


OPAP Cyprus’s new slogan ‘Proud Supporter of You’ was inspired by the word “anthropocentric”, as OPAP’s vision and mission is to support people and give them hope, help them believe in their own power and also be inspired to keep going. One of the 5 CSR pillars of the company is Sports. A lifelong supporter of sports and the enabler for athletes in Cyprus, giving them the necessary tools for them to thrive. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 were postponed for 2021 due to the worldwide pandemic, which meant that athletes had to deal with stress and disappointment after all their hard work. But taking a step back from the competition for the sake of humanity and health was a must. Once the new Olympic date was set, OPAP Cyprus picked up where it left off to not only support our athletes but also to empower and enhance the feeling of pride in Cypriots.


The Tokyo Olympic Games would have gone down in history, as the athletes would compete in the stadiums without spectators. That's why we had to become a team. We needed to create a united force of positive energy, one movement that gives more impetus to the Olympic team to achieve the best. Therefore, we created a hashtag that would create this community, not only on social media but also through other messages and platforms. The #CYTEAM2020 hashtag was applied in edgy photos we created with all athletes, with dynamic in action and black & white colours and across all communication.  

We also created the microsite cyprusteam2020.com, where users could share their wishes to the Olympic team and applause their effort, even though they wouldn’t be present at the stadium to cheer them on. We created and gave Cypriots the platform to cheer on the team in an alternative way.

The microsite was presented at a gala dinner marking the official opening ceremony where the team also took the flag of Cyprus, ready to take it to Tokyo.



The content created for this campaign focused on empowering messages, strong moments and opportunities for interaction from the public. The TV ad featured all athletes representing the Olympic team, with shots from the backstage photo-shoot. We also created a multitude of content that we then sprinkled all over the internet, from Instagram stories to videos on Facebook and YouTube. An impressive outdoor campaign with athletes’ photos in action further spread the hashtag and feelings of pride and the microsite campaign ran on social media and drove traffic where lots of wishes were made and shared with the team. The campaign received added exposure as people and other brands used the hashtag #CYTEAM2020, by organically sharing the content and Olympic athletes’ images.