

The promotion of the newly launched “ourlife” loyalty scheme, through a communication strategy that corresponds to EuroLife’s image and conveys the message to our audience that the company rewards its clients with something of real value to them.


Life is the centre of our universe and our client is the heart of our universe. That’s why, through this campaign, we communicate to our audience the notion that “You are the heart of what we do and we have created for you this loyalty scheme in order to celebrate the trust you put in us. This is also portrayed in the name we gave to this plan –ourlife- which reveals a life we are building together!

The creative approach was based on the idea of “relationship of trust”. Through our campaign we see an athlete who have stepped out of his comfort zone, challenged himself and appreciated his loyal coach. We see the hard times, the good times and the times he needed someone to be there.

The loyalty within the relationship is the heart of the story. And only when you truly trust someone can you truly give your heart. Those relationships are the ones that reward you the most in life.


In order to convey our campaign’s message, a 360˚ campaign was developed, utilising the power of various platforms. We had 30,000 impressions per Day at highway pisas, 32.33% viewability rate on local sites and 5,075 clicks on programmatic banners. Overall our campaign for local sites has managed to meet and even exceed its KPIs.

With the power of social media, we were able to communicate our message and drive our target audience to our website, so that they learn more about “ourlife” loyalty scheme. Facebook marked a very good CTR of 1.97% with 4.5K Link clicks and our online videos have received 96K views through our Facebook posts.