Bank of Cyprus

Choosing a student loan is very competitive in Cyprus due to the high percentage of young people that attend university, especially overseas. Following the Bank’s strategy to showcase real people and authentic situations, aiming to be more relevant with their clients, we created a story based on facts around the Cypriot reality.

Our campaign focuses on the fact that the only thing that remains stable during a student’s life is the interest rate of the Bank of Cyprus’ student loan! To best illustrate these facts, in our TV commercial, we recreated a typical conversation between a mother and her son and concluded it in a rather unusual way.

The aim of this campaign was to use real life elements and humor to showcase both sides of the story: the agony of a quintessential Cypriot mother and an indecisive son that seems to change his future plans every other day. The only reassuring thing for his mother is the financial part – that the interest rate of the Bank student loan will remain stable!

The print campaign introduces our student TV protagonists to the public emphasizing their student life “habits” projecting the same concept in a slightly different way.

Spreading the campaign according to the medium, digital complimented the whole campaign using the same kind of dialogue and messages as the TV in a more fun way.