Mr. Brown Cyprus


Mr. Brown is a brand that’s particularly close to the younger audience and the objective in this case was to successfully communicate the values of the brand while engaging the audience in a way that makes them feel connected. Connected to the TV campaign heroes and to the brand itself.


The Journey of Love: Perhaps the most important journey for most people. Those who have experienced it try to recapture it, while the youngest seek and long for it. It’s a journey, an adventure in which everyone narrates his/her own personal story. A young couple getting to know each other in an unexpected way and live their own love story, all the while united and accompanied by Mr. Brown!

The campaign combined a TV movie and online activation, where the audience was invited to choose their proposed movie ending. The commercial presents a young couple’s story of love, from the moment they meet, to the moment they argue and of course make up. In an attempt to increase consumer engagement and create a more connected experience, we hid part of the story from the TV commercial and ask the public ‘What happened in the elevator?’ On a specifically designed landing page, participants were asked to guess and vote between 4 different scenarios about what actually took place in the elevator, for a chance to win a trip to Italy for 2. The chosen ending was broadcast live via a TV spot on the global day of love, February 14th, where we revealed what actually happened behind the closed doors.


The entire campaign was supported by a radio spot which communicated the competition, and through social media (FB posts, FB ads, Instagram story). The competition was live for 14 days and the results were a sign of its appeal and impact.

Impressions (Video & Posts) – 1.477.000
Video Views – 152.000
Link Clicks – 9.214
Users on Site – 7.319
Participants – 3.920