Bank of Cyprus

The period when students are either thinking about going to university or planning it, is one filled with excitement, but also with anxiousness and question marks. Parents and high school students have a plethora of options when it comes to making their choices and it’s exactly on this insight that we focused on for the Bank of Cyprus Student loan campaign.

We created a platform filled with all the key questions and answers future students and parents would want to know during this time, giving them real value. We collaborated with an education consultancy to ensure accuracy of information and built a microsite that included a Q&A section, infographics as well as video interviews of two young students who shared their personal story around their choices, experiences and recommendations.

The platform became a source of information for all those interested in studying and their parents, a kind of point of reference for all there is to know around the subject. The bank embraced their role as an ‘enabler’, showcasing their human side and offering real value to their customers.The microsite traffic has encouraged BOC to enhance it even further with additional features and updated content.

Check out the microsite here: